

欢迎来到HealthyPlace电视!我的名字是杰克,我节目的制片人。我们打算把个人故事的生活就像生活在一个精神疾病。我们的目标是让别人知道他们面临着类似的挑战并不孤单的感受和经历。每周,我们将讨论心理健康的不同方面。我们的主机将与人谈论他们的经历,他们是如何应对是什么,并不是为他们工作。我们的搭档和HealthyPlace.com医疗主任,哈利克罗夫特博士将在主题提供洞察力和他的专长。雷竞技是骗人的下半年,我们打开它,我们的观众。克罗夫特博士在这段期间,你可以问你的个人问题你希望有关心理健康。我可以向你保证,克罗夫特博士将会给你一个易于理解的、直接的答案。 Want to Participate or Be A Guest? At the first of each month, I'll be posting a list of the topics we'll be discussing. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, drop me an email (producer AT healthyplace.com) and put "I want to be a guest" in the subject line. Tell me which show topic you're interested in plus a bit about yourself and why you think your story would be a compelling one. We interview all our guests remotely, so of course, you must have a webcam.





Breanna M。- - - - - -I am 14 and still bedwetting from puberty..I have been wearing cloth diapers and rubberpants to bed now for over two years and my parents also make me wear them for holidays and special occassions as well! I have had to wear them under my Easter dresses,christmas dresses and in a wedding last year as the flowergirl under my poofy white dress! A week and a half ago on May 7th i did my 8th grade confirmation and per the dress code all of us girls had to wear a white dress,tights and white shoes.Mom made me wear my diapers and rubberpants under the tights and i felt weird and some what embarrassed! She has told me that the diapers and rubberpants are to make me feel pure and little girlish under my dresses for the holidays and special occassions.I dont like having to wear them other than at night for my bedwetting!
它很有趣/奇怪的阅读这篇文章,因为它几乎总结了我刚刚发生了什么事。我遇到一个人,我们有一个伟大的连接,他非常甜,事实上可能是我一个人更“moany”我想说。很甜,虽然他一直让我失望来访问我,几个月后长途保持联系我再次去看望他。几天后我们相处,一切很好,我感到非常连接到他很安全,就像他关心我,我对他。一天晚上我们有几杯之后,我问他一个问题,我想我问时间吗?他停止问我说烦人的问题,他生气了,然后我走进一个房间,门,积极地告诉我坐下来,看着他的眼睛,道歉,他让一个真正的努力使它成为一个愉快的夜晚,我是“叹息”(4点我打呵欠)我说我很抱歉如果我让你感到某种方式但. .他开始叫我下垂的,丑陋的,愚蠢的,physco,恶心,娇生惯养的顽童,审判的b * * * *,(有很多预测)我试图保持冷静,说我应该得到改变,也许去. .我就会跟他说话,但是我知道他穿过一条线。我有改变,打包我的东西,他说:“去街上吸c * * *,你所有适合的我感到羞辱,像一个妓女。我看着他,让他看到我吗? Then he went through my bags as if I was a thief, then downstairs he continued, saying I had a resting b**** face, I am a midget, that I look like I need a punch, that I am a bimbo, stupid and need therapy. Then he said something like I am acting like I want to get beaten up... I was silent and did not respond. I was shocked, I was also tired. He said.. 'you are not even saying anything back, how pathetic' I knew he wanted a reaction.. after calling me a stupid b**** he left me in the dark and I asked him to leave a light on, I left quickly after.. as I felt there was no way to talk to him now. I was alone walking the streets until the morning came. He text me the next day, still in town? Like nothing happened. I left and went back to London taking a bus through france.. the whole time without sleep and in shock. He had no empathy for me, even though a few hours before this we are kissing and hugging. Sometimes I wonder shall I text him and see if he realises his issues/problems? I am still hearing his insults in my head and its really lowered my confidence. Sometimes feeling like its all true.. ofc It is not! But the whole thing is just like everything listed above. Why do they do this? Is it to control? Did they ever like you? I cannnot work it out.