


韦恩·莱克斯谈到了震惊。LAX由于震惊治疗而说,他缺少他记忆的大部分并患有慢性沉重的背痛。我在混乱和绝望的状态下花了25年。我的兄弟去世了,我转向酒精。我有108个招生,约有80个治疗。他们对我的成瘾治疗了我;他们用自我治疗来做到这一点;医生让我越来越多的药物(每种药物在太阳下),每天最多17种不同的药丸。由于震惊治疗,我缺少我记忆的大部分,从不够放松的痛苦中遭受慢性重的背痛。我的孩子遭受了父母损失的影响。我的朋友不知道如何应对我的行为,幻觉和妄想。他们(精神科医生)会震惊我,让我全部药物,并将我送回家,我会驾驶出租车。 Finally after 25 years of this hell, I ended up in a bad car crash. I was charged and convicted of impaired driving. It was the best thing that could have happened to me ... It was the beginning of the end. I stopped taking all the meds, refused any more shock, and then a year later - quit drinking. I have not been in a hospital since, except to visit. Still, today when I walk down the halls of Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital (LPH), patients come up to me and say "Hi", they know me, but I have no idea of who they are. They don't even look familiar. They say I spent a lot of time with them, but I have no memory. Part of me is missing forever. They treat us like guinea pigs, trying anything on us with no concern about the damage they do. Why do we give them this power? Why is it that medical doctors, whom are not experts on mental health, can prescribe any psycho tropic agents, even against a psychiatrist's advice? Why aren't they required to learn more about mental illnesses before they go around diagnosing and drugging us? I am not saying there aren't competent professionals, or that you shouldn't listen to your doctor. What I'm saying is that you should make sure you are making an informed decision, and ensure that the communication is there between your psychiatrist and GP. During my 25 years in the mental health system, some "professionals" recommended that I be taken off all the drugs, given no- more shock and receive proper counseling. My GP chose to ignore this advice without even informing me of their recommendations. This is unacceptable. What has personally helped me is counseling and the peer support I receive from the self-help group that I am actively involved with. I am dead against ECT under any circumstances. Even with the people it helps, the results are short-lived and the side effects long term. Why would delivering electricity through a brain be anything less than destructive and damaging?


P9N 3W8.



