
是的!除了思想和情绪之外,这种焦虑绝对可以表现在身体的任何地方。它几乎为我们制造了噪音(我们也包括我),但不是一种有用的噪音!有没有可能在工作中安装一台小型白噪音机?如果风扇的呼呼作响(一种白噪音)有帮助,那么拥有一台小型、不破坏性的机器可能会有所帮助。如果允许的话,戴着耳塞听背景音乐也不错。如果你愿意这样做,可以和你的主管谈谈,向他解释白噪音或音乐/声音会让你更有效率,并允许你添加一些噪音,让你感到放松和自信。慢慢地,练习适应沉默可以帮助你减少焦虑(你可能总是讨厌沉默,但它会变得更能忍受)。坚持去图书馆或其他安静的地方。坐下来,做一些渐进式的肌肉放松练习,从你的脚开始,到你的头结束,你会紧张和放松肌肉群。 This has been proven to reduce anxiety and stress if done regularly. While you do this, breathe slowly and deeply, being out of your head and into the present moment (mindfulness). Use your senses to tune in to what's around you. Use sight, smell, and touch -- but pay little attention to hearing. This approach is effective, but doesn't happen in an instant. You might even feel more anxious at first, but it will improve. Think patience, practice, and persistence -- and a relief from silence-induced anxiety!