

社交焦虑是真实存在的,可能会变成回避型人格障碍,而且可能会让人极度瘫痪。这很痛苦,我真的很抱歉你有这样的社交焦虑,这个假期和家人在一起很困难。你可以做一些事情来减少这种强烈的社交焦虑,但现在最重要的是你是安全的。通过吸毒或对自己做其他事情来伤害自己是非常危险的,可能会产生可怕的后果。(我绝对不是在评判你或教训你。你的情绪驱使我这么做是可以理解的。只是像这样的行为,是由社交焦虑的感觉和想法驱动的,是危险的。没有任何暗示!)我会给你们一个网站去看看。这是国家预防自杀生命线。 They help people in many different situations. They can help you resist OD'in, even if you're not doing it to commit suicide. They also have resources they can share with you to help you deal with all of this. They have an online chat format so you don't have to call them on the phone. You can start by telling them what you wrote here (copy and paste). Go tohttp://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org。他们可以马上帮助你。