Deanna Deprez

我很少干净,当我这样做时,至少需要3个小时才能清理效率。肮脏的菜,整个地板上的肮脏衣服。肮脏的床上用品。我很幸运没有蟑螂或臭虫,因为看起来我应该。只是为了起步而付出了巨大的努力。但是日复一日地看着这真是令人沮丧。我是双极的1.我服用克洛诺平的焦虑,因为清洁,我需要很大的部分。我的自我照顾有一天蒸发。有一天,我至少每隔一天一次洗澡,现在最多7天了。我一直在洗脸时,我一直很谨慎,但是现在缺乏淋浴使我不打扰我的脸。 I try hard to keep up with the teeth. I'll wear the same clothes for 4 days at a time. I've been having lots of intrusive thoughts that make me so miserable. I've finally decided to get therapy. I'm holding decades of guilt that is interfering with my whole day, every day. Pop up thoughts that I'm bad, have been so rotten in my life.