
我7 1/2年的妻子去年被诊断出BP2在她陷入抑郁症并搬出去,并与前任有短暂的婚外情。她开始使用药物,过了一会儿,我们开始将碎片放回原处,八个月前她搬回了家。事情似乎很好,这里或那里的咒语将持续一两个星期,她会质疑她是否应该处于恋爱关系中。短时间后,她总是会回来。但是,直到冠状病毒使她在家工作六个星期之前,情况一直很好。在那段时间里,她开始越来越多地喝酒,在晚上8点之前上床睡觉。只是她的正常自我。然后,一旦她开始重返工作岗位,她就告诉我,她已经在30分钟的另一个小镇租了一间公寓,第二天搬了出去。她说,如果她不能与我建立恋爱关系,那么她将永远无法完成一个工作。她说,她需要自己的个人空间,需要依靠自己来满足自己想要和需要的所有东西。 She has barely been in contact since she left three weeks ago, just occasionally texting to say she is sorry or to ask if I'm ok. The last thing she said to me is that maybe we could have some sort of relationship someday. What? I'm giving her the space she wants but I really think her drinking with her meds may have triggered something. She talked to her doctor but lied when he asked if she'd been drinking. So I'm also wondering if this is the end or just another spell I should try and wait out? There is no easy answer I know.