
嗨,我三年的女友最近离开了我。她一直未经治疗的双极ABS饮食失调。我们俩都很幸福,她是我认识的最爱的人。大学毕业两天后,她突然变得非常沮丧。她说自己很痛苦,生活毫无意义,想分手。除此之外,她没有给出具体的理由。实际上,她给出了留下来的理由(我是她最好的朋友,比任何人都为她做更多的事情)。分手两周后,我与她接触,但她的答复冷酷而遥远。当我在健身房见到她时,她也使我迷住了。就像她不认识我。三年后,我伤心欲绝。 As far as I know she is working away as normal and living life as if the previous 3 years didn’t happen. It’s difficult to get me head around things. She may be going through a depressive cycle and trying to put a brave face on things, I don’t know. My heat sinks as I doubt she’ll ever speak to me again and I don’t know why. Any advice welcome