
她仍然与您合作,这对您来说非常不好。一定很糟糕,我谈论的那个女孩在抛弃我之后立即离开了我的工作。从一天中的大部分时间见到她,到刚刚走了。感觉就像我爱的人死了。我不知道您如何应对仍在工作中看到她说话并与其他所有人笑而无视您。听起来像是您应该对待任何人的最后方式,这听起来很残酷。我敢肯定,如果她在我工作的地方工作,她会像这样对待我。我会比她刚离开并阻止我的电话号码时感到更糟。I said I didn’t know if it was a gift knowing her or not on my last post but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen or heard from her now and I’m starting to cope better and it’s not that I don’t still care about her or not hope she’s doing okay but I would have to say knowing her was definitely not a gift. I thought I’d found someone as warm and kind as me. She was seemingly the sweetest girl in the world but for her to treat me how she did in the end I suppose it was all an act and that she’s actually just a very cold young woman who just goes through life hurting one person after another. It finally feels like the hurt is dying away and I’m just left with bitterness now. The only way I think I’m lucky in this is my SAD is pretty extreme so I don’t have accounts on social media as I don’t like people looking at me or judging me or knowing anything about my desperate lonely life, so at least I don’t have to see all her posts she probably puts up with boyfriends and stuff. I think if I ever saw her around with someone else, just acting like she never knew me all the hurt would come flooding back and my anxiety would sky rocket. Anyway I think it sounds like your girl is also a very cold person.. possibly capable of feeling loved and enjoying being loved but just not able to feel love so can only hurt people in the end. If I was you I would leave work and get a different job. You don’t deserve the hurt she will put you through.