
我认同上面描述的许多事情。在某些方面,这是一种能够识别、适应和吸收语言、习惯用语等的才能,这是有益的,同时,如果信息的吸收改变了你的价值观、信仰和对特定事物的看法,如果它决定表现出更大的主导地位,这可能是有害的。我现在就有这种感觉。我所经历的分裂、信仰和价值观都来自于一个人格的思考和相信一种方式,而另一个人格有完全不同的观点。结果就是我所听到的迫害和自我憎恨。我很幸运地将这些声音与我的主要人格结合在一起,但我发现这个新的人格试图表现为主导人格,这不是我想要的改变。通常情况下,我只是随我的感受骑车,但我很难在道德和伦理上达成一致。这种转变是如此微妙,完全占据主导地位,以至于我担心它可能会表现为一种永久的人格。我不希望生活在那种心态中。不幸的是,很多异常行为都是由于接触化学物质和环境而形成的,这意味着基本上这个特殊人格的很多想法都是在被监禁期间吸收的,医学上开的情绪和精神改变药物。 Absorbing the atmosphere attitude anxieties and outright and moral beliefs that surrounded me at this time while I was vulnerable have joined in concert to create this alternative personality who now wishes to manifest itself . I no longer use pharmaceuticals prescriptions as there was an equality and understanding amongst the many different personas of my normal personalities. But after 10 years in prison on one of the most vile criminally psychotic prison hospitals all the other thoughts collected have apparently assumed this personality and wish to dominate and it's scary. This is a non-violent personality so there's no danger to anyone or anything . It's more largely an actual dissolving of my convictions and beliefs into a more warped view. If you read this to this point and you kind of understand , thanks. I continue to refuse assignment of pharmaceuticals I think they've done enough . If you have any experience managing and dealing with an aggressive personality sans chemical assistance I'd love to hear some thoughts theories and ideas . Thank you and may peace and prosperity be with you