
我的男朋友,给我煤气灯。我觉得他不明白自己在做什么如果他知道,为什么。我有时会对他做的事情感到生气,我会要求他回家,不要和他的同事在一起,他的同事感情失败,他有点像锄头,但我不会评判他。即使我在上班,我也让我男朋友呆在家里。我问他这些问题是因为这能让我和他在一起感到舒服,我知道他在哪里,他周围不再有任何负面影响,至少有那么一点点。他在我们关系刚开始的时候就出轨了,也许是半路出轨,当然这会引起信任问题。但他告诉我那都是过去了,说我疯了,说我需要冷静下来,冷静下来,说他不想一个人在家干什么?少于7小时?我已经厌倦了。我一直在他身边,照顾他,他有有毒的“最好的朋友”,他们会伤害他,但我一直在他身边。 Even after the cheating and lying (and he still lies to me to avoid getting into arguments?), and the name calling, I have stayed. And now that he’s making money and has this new “bestfriend” who “gets him” (the coworker) he’s all that and gaslights me and doesn’t wanna listen to me. He laughs at me. Idk what to do, how to respond to this, please somebody give me advice. Thank you.