
我有一个在Uni遇到的了不起的男朋友,经过大约2个月的恋爱关系,我开始感到独立,就像我不爱他或根本对他有强烈的感觉一样。I’ve gone through so many options but all I’ve done for the last 3 months is ruminate to the point I’m always depressed, cat concentrate and can’t find any joy in anything anymore, as well as my degree which is the reason I came to University in the first place. I talk to him a lot about it and he hates seeing me suffering but is so supportive. I’ve gotten to the stages so many times where I panic so much that all i can think of is breaking up but then I pull myself out of that because I feel as though I don’t want to lose him and the thought of losing him hurts too. I’m living in a nightmare. It’s horrible. I’m starting therapy next week so hopefully I get something from that but I just want to be happy. I have always had thoughts about him being in my future even at this early stage!