
你好,艾玛!我很高兴能找到这个博客!我甚至没有意识到我正在处理的是“虐待”,我的意思是我说得有点轻松,但一直都在原谅它。我的丈夫在很多方面都很好,但他肯定会辱骂……多年来,它变得越来越好,现在它非常微妙和隐蔽,我开玩笑和“嘲笑”他来自芝加哥,并把它作为“每个人都是这样的,来自西海岸的人,非常敏感”,他叫我乡巴佬,因为我来自亚利桑那州。任何垃圾的事情,他说“哦,这太阿斯利康了”,我们笑,只是笑和/或忽视事情一直是我应对的方式。我以前经常大声说出来,但后来会变成一场争吵,我疯了,脸皮薄了,吓坏了,就像我妈妈一样。他在这方面很狡猾,他在其他方面很有爱心(公平地说),但这种每天都觉得我是个白痴的感觉很糟糕!我们有4个儿子,我十几岁的儿子也看到了,因为他对他们这么做,但他们唯一一次在3周前的一次争吵中说出了这句话……他找到了各种借口,为什么他们不知道他们在谈论什么。 He has recently said (when I said, counseling or we are done) that he would go and that he doesn’t wanna be this way, so that is a step in the right direction for sure. He watched his dad and mother do this as well, his mother is difficult to deal with to this day due to hrr mouth. I have said things in anger that I regret also ( that of course is thrown in my face, any time I call him out) I don’t mean to get so angerey, but I get to a breaking point, my comments are usually during a fight (which we don’t have often) but they are really bad when they do happen. His comments are a daily thing. He is willing to go to counseling, but I am nervous about how that will go. He has turned my family against me ( I have recently reached out to his mom and my dad) but he has them convinced it’s me and I’m crazy just like my mom.. I do have my things like her for sure, but I’m not even close to how she is. Also, my family knows how I feel about my mom and we have been estranged for 8 years now. But he sure loves to use that “mom” thing! I’m worried he will manipulate the counselor (I imagine that’s possible, I don’t know) he will call me a liar, etc. Anyway... thank hi for the blog I’m am excited to read more and feel better knowing this is abuse and not just me being “a girl” as he would say. Many blessings friend!