
如果我有那些​​愤怒或脱节的感觉,我绝对不会生存这种疾病。躁狂症是我的拯救恩典。经过几个月的抑郁症,我欢迎它,在那段时间里,我一直渴望它。否则,我会自己拒之门外,将外界拒之门外。我曾经的前几集躁狂情节令人恐惧,因为我以前从未有过这种感觉。但是,随着20年的发展已经过去了,我很容易经历了40多集,我学会了更好地控制它。另一方面,这种抑郁症的经验似乎变得不那么容忍。在抑郁症中,似乎我已经远离上帝的思想了,被遗忘了,而不是感觉自己在躁狂时处于他的心中。我知道这很夸张,因为当躁狂时,世界似乎是我的仙境。我看到的一切,我与之交谈的每个人似乎都很重要和重要。 I get flirty and have had to really learn to rein myself in. I shop and even though I am very thrifty and choosy, I still buy some things and then when I'm in a normal mood (very rarely) , I can question, "why did I have to have that? It seemed so important at the time, but now, not so much. I am much more aggressive when manic. Not so much aggressive as impatient and outspoken. It's a total personality flip for me and I really like the manic me much better than the depressed one. I barely know the normal me anymore. She only comes out for a few days when manic me takes her leave. So, in summary, my manic flaws are: 1) I tend to flirt 2) I spend too much 3) I'm pushy 4) I talk too much 5) I bounce all over the place in conversation and work