
所以我觉得我是一个很好的销售人员。边缘性人格很容易接受并融入他人的情绪状态,就像变色龙一样,是一个极端的移情者。有时我不想这样,因为当有人真正地操纵我的情绪或指责我的行为,说我是操纵人,或戏剧女王或疯子,然后躲着我,我受到伤害是完全合理的,尤其是当边缘人格是非常敏感的人。我发现这个博客非常好,我可以找到一些很好的建议。我的心理医生在告诉我我可能不是之后,才做出了这样的决定。请记住,我注意到成年人的边缘人格是在压力发作时出现的。当一个患有边缘性人格障碍的人处于情绪困扰的情况下,你绝对应该预料到操纵和幼稚的戏剧行为会出现。我对我的治疗师说了一些疯狂的话,然后一直为我的言语和行为道歉。我不知道我是应该继续这样做,还是应该诚实地告诉他,这是我出于认知控制和情绪而做出的冲动行为。这很有道理。 I am hurting right now, my dad passed away and tomorrow is his funeral and I don't have any other immediate family members left. I do need support, but noon wants the negativity especially when I am acting out, anxious and many other factors. I want to be normal. I don't feel normal like the others. What is notmal right now, I am confused? Even when I am supposed to be happy and things are safe and okay, I still have the what if scenario, sabotage every good thing that happens in my life and look at the negativity that may happen. As if I expect it ! It's uncomfortable state of mind, especially when I am single and don't have Noone remind me that it's Okey, be supportive until the storm passes away.it's difficult for a borderline person to control oneself to begin with. It takes an immense cognitive power and learn skills again their own ways of coping and reacting all their life. So if a person who may exhibit borderline symptoms, had lived through extreme traumatic experiences and had learned no coping skills, expect that at time of turmoil they need extra support or they will turn to unhealthy behavior such as sex, alcohol and drama and sabotage and manipulate and denile or even suicide thoughts and attempts. I hope what I wrote makes sense because I am writing trying to process my own emotional state right now before my dad's funeral.