

你听起来很无知和粗鲁。我有BPD,对这种疾病了解很多。您是否知道“操纵被定义为有意的思考过程。不是行为,而是思考。认知,精明,巧妙……。计划,集中计划,一个计划,一个想法并使这个想法成为现实。”?操纵是一种反应,而不是反应。操纵定义为思考过程,而不是行为过程。行为只是产品。这种反应的产物,当具有边缘性格的人认为即将灭绝,灾难和遗弃时,通常会激活一种伪操作。这种超敏反应可能引起极大的焦虑和无助。大多数具有边缘性格的人并未成功地通过早期发育阶段移动,并且通常被固定在2至4岁左右。冲动是一种突出的行为,通常被误解为操纵。 A person with borderline personality may experience anxiety as helplessness since she cannot equate her notions to an adult on an equal level. In other words, the sufferer of BPD 'is in maddening, excruciating emotional pain and confusion.' Many psychiatrists portrays helplessness especially well since time becomes narrowed and pressured giving a sense of urgency to resolve the pain. This sets into motion a reactive reflex (pseudo-manipulation) to ward off anxiety with often-destructive consequences. These destructive measures amount to job loss or relationship failure due to poor strategies to resolve antithetical troubles, hardly an artful and shrewd manipulation of a mastermind. Also, many psychiatrists have a particular dislike for the word "manipulative" as commonly applied to these patients [borderline]. They point out that this implies that they are skilled at managing other people, when it is precisely the opposite that is true. Also, the fact that a person may feel manipulated does not necessarily imply that this was the intention of someone with BPD; It is more probable that the patient did not have the skills to deal with the situation more effectively. Rather than viewing themselves [individuals with borderline personality disorder] as someone who is attempting to manipulate, is attention-seeking, or is sabotaging treatment, individuals with borderline personality disorder learn to view themselves as driven by the disorder to seek relief from a painful illness through desperate behaviors which are reinforced by negative and distorted thinking. "A borderline personality has the ability to manipulate, however; it is not the principal process of artful cognition that leads to borderline-style behavior. If we are going to use the term ‘behavior’ then it is more parallel to defensive behavior. Most of the time a borderline adapts to defensive behavior rather than manipulative behavior. People with BPD have emotional reactions, or behaviors that are blunt, clumsy and ineffective efforts to have the BPD's needs met. There is an immense differentiation between primitive borderline defense mechanisms and skillful manipulation, the product of each, which is behavior." It is helpful to consider that often times a person that has borderline personality is a ‘mixed bag’ since co-morbidity traits in patients with borderline personality disorder is high. However, if borderline personality disorder is the principle personality structure, chances are they are poor manipulators. Manipulation is a deliberate and artful thought process, which is not a common trait found in the borderline personality. The borderline personality defense is closer a Reactive Defense Mechanism that operates as a knee-jerk retort flung into motion from a low threshold of impulsivity. Identifying the difference between manipulation and reaction to painful stimuli can help ameliorate the therapeutic stance.