
不能工作不能生活不能设定目标不能休息。呼叫之前我能做的就是认为最糟糕的时期的到来,并将痛苦我27岁我爸爸生病了你妹妹正在寻求医疗服务在不同的国家,因为她生病了我生病了我们三个人得了癌症,加上我在危急生命的精神,我很害怕和痛苦我花我的日子在家里继续拒绝为残疾和问题点是什么战斗值得我不好没有人主要是对自己和感到失望当我依赖on it just wonder alot because the thoughts I have is do feel I'm losing my mind and have lost touch with human kind plus no one truly understands and they don't even try life is a fight and by the looks of things from my experience there's only one winner.