
我有一个可怕的记忆,就从蓝色浮出水面。这太奇怪了,因为我什至还记得我何时不得不挡住它以及如何做到!这场可怕的事件发生在我16岁那年,并认为这些年来IV遍布所有这些事情,类似的事情被阻止了!我什至有四年的高中被阻止!我对自己经历的事情以及残酷的邪恶人对我的行为感到非常生气。我孤立地生活,这很糟糕,但我不信任任何人,我感到非常沮丧!我无法应付另一个伤害!厌倦了痛苦!治疗从未有过帮助,而且非常昂贵。恢复一切都没有目的。 Just keep you awake a night! I just try and find some beauty in the World even if it’s looking at nature or cooking or buying something pretty.. reading a good book. I try and find things to lift me up. That’s all you can do is survive. Sometimes I can’t do anything at all but I get through those days too! The ones that just about kill me the ones where you don’t know how many more tears you can cry. Can’t give up and I won’t!