
嘿,朱莉娅,只是读这篇文章,因为我的朋友说我不了解她的严重焦虑。我想知道焦虑是否可以使您对人们说讨厌的话,因为上周末她实际上设法被禁止在我男朋友的房子Agin(由他的母亲!)中被禁止,因为她非常粗鲁。我叫她出去,现在她不跟我说话。我了解她有焦虑,我尽了最大的努力来理解和住宿,但是上周末她走得太远了。她想把我们的上帝的孩子扔到火上,因为她不喜欢孩子:/我认为焦虑不能控制您的嘴里发生的事情,但这只是一种观点。我在这里寻找证据表明它可能是她所说的话。即便如此,这还是很难的,因为她确实伤害了很多人的感觉,包括我自己的感觉,我已经为她服务了很多年。我煮了她的食物,当她说她没有钱吃东西时,让她把所有的左边都取得了。我从悉尼开车去布里斯班,帮助她搬家。我牺牲了自己的舒适感,晚上度过了令人难以置信的压力,以确保她尽可能舒适。 I drive her all over the place because she's too anxious to learn to drive and hates taking the train over to my house. The list goes on forever... really. I have very rarely been thanked for these things. She even keeps the tupperware I give her all the food I cooked for her in :/ I'm just finding it very hard after this weekend where she offended a lot of people and has deflected any responsibility she has over it onto her severe anxiety. I managed to get her to see a psychologist last year and I believe she is still on anti anxiety meds but she is not really helping herself in the ways I have been seeing online, like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising etc... It almost feels as if she enjoys being anxious which is an awful thing of me to think. I don't know if you have any wisdom to share with someone who is on the end of their tether. I really don't mind her anxiety but when she starts saying hurtful thing to other people that's where I draw the line. Presently she is not talking to me. I hope she does soon. I have encouraged her to return to her psychologist because if she does not try to improve her situation then I will find it very hard to continue helping someone who wont help themselves.