
嗨,我是Ted,在加拿大。1990年,18岁的他被诊断患有精神分裂症。2013年最近被诊断患有分裂情感性障碍。我45岁。我在2000年戒掉了毒品和酒精(到今天已经戒毒17年了)。我从29岁开始戒烟,直到40岁。我在加拿大读过建筑专业的大学。我在建筑和采矿行业工作了十年(年薪高达8万美元)。当这家著名的矿业公司最终把我赶出了有限公司(通过工作场所保险,以自杀意念的方式获得长期残疾);在过去的五年里,我断断续续地抽着烟,养活自己,仍然干净而清醒。 I tried unsuccessfully to biologically to father children for 30 years, with no success. My banter is - today - I spoke with a mental health professional (paid to listen to me, lol) coined the phrase "functioning". So I inherently showed a video of my apartment to him. Functioning, yes. Living life on life's terms, yes. Doing the best I can with what I have, yes. Being a responsible productive member of society, yes. Disabled, yes. Disrespect me, no. Give credit where credit is due. And you Elizabeth, are a shining example of being a power of example!! Keep it up - you are not alone.