
这是一篇很棒的文章。我看到很多人说他们不是治疗师就是心理学家。我一直被召唤成为心理学家,也许是因为理解和帮助别人是我的天性。我发现,当一个朋友或家人跟我说话时,我经常被一种无法控制的情绪所淹没,想要找到解决问题的方法。我常常在帮助别人时迷失了自我。对一个神使来说,生活中最糟糕的事情就是遇到一个自恋者。我变成了一个面目全非的人,试图帮助一个陷入困境的自恋者。随着年龄的增长,我学会了在帮助别人之前,我必须先帮助自己。我在人际关系中挣扎,因为我很难控制自己的情绪。我有时被认为太敏感了。 I cry during movies, I feel when others are sad, tense, stress, angry or even happy. People are always drawn to me and easily open up to me about the most personal topics. A lot of the time I find myself trying to get away from society. I almost need personal time to think and unwind the way i need to sleep and eat. Without it I won't survive. I've always known I was different but never knew how or why. This article explains it all too well. I have a better understanding of who I am now and my gift. Thanks for writing the article and thanks to everyone who shared, very much appreciated.