
我完全理解。这让我很沮丧。我很难再回去工作了。我好像哪里都不合群。我注意到同事们和我说话的时候经常闭上眼睛。就好像他们在试图隐藏自己的灵魂。很难找到可以聊天的人,....任何事情。当你“感受到”如此多的情感能量时,大多数人似乎乐于分享的世俗闲聊让我无聊得要死。但是,我总是让别人自我感觉良好,我能感觉到他们的情绪变得更好。我也觉得有些人会对我很不好,因为他们知道我是一个容易攻击的目标,不是当面而是背后。 I don't understand why. Other than they know I won't get into it with them. I have a hard time expressing myself due to "emotional energy overload". I am having a hard time right now. I was going into ER today for unbearable anxiety and depression but I found this page and I am so thankful to know I'm not alone....Thank You!