
嗨,Tanya,我叫Aymann,今年15岁。我的生日在十月,然后我就16岁了。我最近来巴基斯坦是为了改变一下,因为我回家的生活让我的学习分心,因为我爸爸在精神上和身体上都虐待我们,尽管他仍然总是给我们买我们想要的东西,这就是我们从他那里得到的所有爱。我的生活中有很多戏剧性的事情。我咬我的嘴唇直到流血,我想得太多,以至于我开始感到身体出了问题。就像这些天我觉得筋疲力尽,就像我不在自己的身体里一样。我睡不着觉,但当我醒来时,我感觉我没有睡过。我的身体总是有一种肾上腺素或亢奋的感觉,我不能真正让自己平静下来。我试着和别人谈论这件事,但我的思想一直控制着我的生活。我来到巴基斯坦,事情变得更糟,我总是胸痛和心跳加速。 I had a panic attack and ever since the panic attack I cant really stop panicking. Then theres this girl who says i have depression and Im not quite sure if shes right but im overthinking that too. My biggest problem is my sleep. I cant sleep because i feel hyper and when i wake up from my sleep i also have that feeling not a feeling of freshness but hyperness. I overthink everything and dont know what to do about these thoughts i really need someone to help me because im scared this will take over my life i feel as if im going crazy. My hearing and focus is terrible now and i dont feel the same way i did before.