
很遗憾,但很高兴知道我不是唯一一个有这个问题的人。我能理解我在网上看到的一切,但“我觉得”我比任何人都糟糕。我是我所遇到或听说过的最无知的人,我能走到这一步真是太神奇了。我想由于焦虑,或者可能是注意力缺失症,或者创伤后应激障碍,再加上糟糕的生活决定,我对生活有一种几乎无法形容的无知。就好像我一直生活在一个无人居住的星球的岩石下,最近才来到地球。(哈哈)。我一生都有严重的焦虑和严重的抑郁。我寻求过心理治疗,也尝试过药物治疗,但都无济于事。我的直觉告诉我,医生会一直告诉你,他们可以帮助你,情况会好转,只要你继续付钱给他们。当我20多岁的时候,有过自杀的念头,我确信随着时间的推移,随着我的成熟,事情会变得更好。 But things got worse actually, because I never really matured in ways and now I'm an immature cowardly 40 year old. I had to take a break from the doctors for a while, and I'm giving it yet another try, because hope is all I've got outside of a grim suicide which I don't have the guts to go through with. Anxiety and depression is such a constant 24/7 cloud that I can't remember the last time I enjoyed anything. I've literally lost my ability to (actually laugh out loud) years ago. Learning and remembering things is terribly difficult. One of the last doctors I saw helped me identify I have ADD on top of anxiety and depression, which may be a byproduct of the other problems. I've often felt my only chance to live a happy life and "get better" would to have a team of doctors work on me. I have no chance of ever having a relationship or saving for retirement. I suppose when I get too old to work at my dead end jobs then I'll have to do like a dying animal and go of into the woods. It's a frightening thought. Well glad to know I'm not totally alone, but if it were a contest to say who's got it the worst, I'd say I'm the winner. (the last line is sarcasm). Good luck and best wishes to anyone reading this. At least your not as bad of a pathetic, ignorant, moron, loser, waste of life as I turned out to be. ; )