
在这个博客上,我现在正在与他人联系,并用别人所说的话确认了事情。我不记得许多人经历过的任何创伤,但是年长的兄弟姐妹说我总是“徘徊”。我得到的细节是母亲怀孕时和之后都有神经崩溃。我的童年对我来说含糊不清。这里有人提到过去没有看到面孔的人与我一样,我的捐助者在记忆中看到,很少认识我可能做过的事情。有可能出生吗?所有的事情都表明了创伤,但我们来自一个大家庭,我能说的关于创伤的最好的事情就是忽视我,我回想起我的家庭中没有感情,并且有时间处理这种情况。我有一个非常生气的改变,并且做奇怪的自我毁灭性事物。然后我没有回忆。我没有亲密的朋友,我发现很难保留他们。 I can se perfectly normal in social situations but walk away and never contact again it’s debilitating to me. At 56 I am just discovering this and feel like so much of my life happened without me being aware of it. I have “episodic” memories of most of my life with no correlation to time but can only guess my age as to where I was at (i have loved so many times. (7) states uncertain of how many more cities and countless more moves within there.). Maybe that is how I have managed to wander off in life. I have been single so often in life for me to start over elsewhere never really impacted anyone but myself. Now I am married to a wonderful lady who is at her wits end often. But we both are getting counseling so it is helping the noise in my head is mostly silenced now I used to have so many internal thoughts constantly I have been growing more spiritual with prayer and my mind is calmer but still a bit confused as there is so much disconnect in my life.