
我已经成为神经质的完美主义者,它正在杀死我。I am in grade 12 and I am currently doing my courses online and because it’s online I have been proscratinating all my school work and have been waiting for the perfect time to do my school work as a result I have been doing very well but now I have so many subjects to complete and my deadline is around the corner so, I asked my sister to help me with my English courses however, she is not getting the marks that I want her to get hence it’s killing me inside since I am always aiming impossible marks like 100 percent. The worst thing is that I just have to let her help me because my father just can’t stop pressuring me to get my diploma as soon as possible. Every time my sister gets 86 percent I start crying and ponding my head over it because I would want her to always score 100 percent. Someone please help me stop being a perfectionist because I hate it with passion. It has taken absolute control of me.