
嗨,斯蒂芬妮。真希望我能告诉你答案。我的抽泣在19岁时被诊断出来。他现在38岁了。一开始,他听到有人叫他去杀人。非常有控制欲的声音。在最初的两年里,他被送进各种精神病院30次。然后他开始惹上法律的麻烦。他已经开始吸毒了。占有的指控。 His psychotic episodes were bad. One morning after he had just witnessed his dad having a massive heart attack he came home. And when he opened my door he saw the devil staring back at him. This is when things got really, really bad. He's been in and out of prison for 19 years when he should have been in the hospital. He's been on every combo of med which he refuses to take. He had a near fatal head on auto accident 2 years ago with a trumatic brain injury and major organ damage, broken back, leg ribs a coma and on life support. One month later he suffered a stroke. He was in the hospital 7 months. He's become delusional, audio halusinations. And has begun worshiping the devil. He spends every waking moment talking to his Gods. Thinks he's a witch and verbally communicates with his friends, friends he hasnt seen in 20 years. Today its been all about the government and the CIA, they are watching him. Hitler and the nazi's.. He spends all day and many nights sitting in a non running truck in the back yard. He laughs uncontrollably, gets very angry, even cries. He thinks I don't care. I just don't know how to help him.He seems to be getting worse. Its been 20 very long years now. Don't anyone believe they aren't dangerous. They are capable of anything during an episode. Never think you know your kids so well that you know they are harmless.. but they seem to strike out at those they feel closest to. Love, a ton of patience and a strong relationship with God is just part oif what its taken me to get this far. It hasn't been easy. God bless your son your family and yourself