
今天早上阅读这些评论真的对我很有帮助,所以我想留下我自己的。我在我的合伙人的圣诞晚宴上,我们和公司里的其他一些年轻人喝了酒。我整晚都在喝红酒,我平时从不喝。我还患有饮食失调症,所以我的胃完全是空的和酸的。所以在喝酒前我变得很健谈,很友好,这很好。我们来到了公司租出去吃饭的大厅,我在那里又喝了些酒。我能感觉到自己变得很健谈,并注意到我是那里醉得最厉害的人。我去了趟洗手间,结果衬衫穿不上了。一个我在其他部门很熟悉的工人不得不进来帮我穿衣服。我还记得一些奇怪而尴尬的对话。 I ended up really angry at my partner although i have no memory of it and i got into a cab and went home by about 8pm. I had had an starter but left before the main course came out. To make it worse my partner didnt cover me, they told all their workmates i left because i was angry. Which i dont remember at all. I dont know the order any of these events happened. I am just so embarrassed. Everyones going to think im crazy and agro. I dont know what was wrong with me and so many people witnessed my behaviour