
我能感受到你们的痛苦。我今年42岁,犯了一个可怕的错误,把止痛药和伏特加混在一起。我当时在当地的一家赌场,显然是昏过去了。我想我摔倒在赌场的地板上,开始辱骂工作人员。我被拘留了,在市中心的监狱里呆了18个小时。我说过的话和做过的事最好还是不为人知。但是,随着时间的推移,我开始记起来。我感到非常尴尬,甚至更加羞愧。我42岁了,从来没有被逮捕过。这很清醒,但内疚不会消失。 I feel like I should find the officer who arrested me and apologize. It really could have been worse. I could have been beat,robbed or the worst drove. Being in jail, I saw guys older and even younger that have had quite a few run-ins with this. I really don't want to be "those guys". Although, I feel more compassion for them too. Drinking can be hard core and the most destructive, especially when your blacked out. Long story short I believe I'm lucky in a way. But can't seem to live down the embarrassment. The co workers that were there and the girls birthday I believe I ruined will take a long time to get over.