
我今年35岁,自从20多岁大学毕业以来,我就一直在与这个问题作斗争。我做过很多工作,有几份工作我都没有通知就辞职了,因为我太恐慌了,无法让自己去上班或面对任何人。目前我有一份工作大约有。5年似乎是一段很长的时间,但工作环境快节奏,可能会有毒。我犯了一个错误,担任了一个主管的角色,一开始进展顺利,至少我是这么认为的,直到几个月前,我又一次精神崩溃,要求辞去原来的职位。现在,即使在工资较低的职位上,我也再次感到恐慌焦虑。一想到工作我就极度焦虑。我整天都处于高度焦虑的状态!不停止。我请了很多次病假。 I wish there was a group for people like me. Then I try and explain it to my husband and he just doesn't understand it and starts to get angry with me or thinks I'm lazy. Today he said to me that it looks like I won't be able to work because I've had these issues with every job I've held. I want to work but my low self esteem issues, anxiety and depression make my life very limiting and at times debilitating.