
谢谢,我意识到我不能解决她但她不听我的,我要不要因为她生气,她想要我时,我没有回应。就像某人方便的受气包。她切断了谈话,如果她需要然后会生气当她打电话回来,我不能说话。我和丈夫去看电影在周末;她切断了我们的谈话抱怨麻烦说她下午要早点回电话…她什么时候打电话那天晚上我们在剧院;当然我没接电话,她打重拨,我又让其留语音信箱,然后她发短信……她认为我是不可用的,只是为什么不等待听到我吗?我可以在床上和我的丈夫如果不是在看电影…他本来可以生气如果我破坏我们的约会她的电话; our personal time is limited due to our schedules and though we've got no children in the house it is important to enjoy the time when we can have a date or just go for a drive alone. When I did call her back the next day towards the evening, the frost in her tone was clear as windshield in winter, so I just said call me back when you can, she hung up without even an okay. I've resolved not to call her as I think it's a good time to just breathe and let the chips fall where they may...