
我刚看到你一月份的帖子。我希望你现在比以前更快乐。你很勇敢,能如此公开地分享。我钦佩你的勇气。坚持完成填色的快乐。享受色彩。享受这个过程。享受完成的产品-甚至可以展示图片时,每一个完成。我可以想象你正在涂色,并投入其中。这对你来说是件好事。 I venture to suggest that you may be able to feel some gratitude and feel some appreciation for the coloring. Gratitude for the colors. Gratitude for the coloring. Might there be another way to bring colors into your home? This is your anchor to the positive. You describe yourself as tainted. Please be kinder to yourself. If you had another organ, perhaps your spleen, that wasn't working properly you would not judge it in the same harsh way. We have brains that do things differently chemically. Please be tender with yourself. You deserve that.