Crissy Londick

我可以告诉你为什么焦虑会让你累。因为你的大脑从未停止运转。你的身体永远不会停止运动。你想了又想,再想你已经拥有的东西,谢谢(不知道这是不是一个词)。抗焦虑药对我没用。大腰的时间。然后焦虑变成了强迫症,一遍又一遍地检查孩子,检查门,火灾报警器,炉子,烤箱,只要你能想到的。睡不着,这是一个恶性循环。已经受苦13年了。很大的dx列表。 Sleep about 2-3 hours in a 24hr period. Rapid cycle Bipolar with depressive state. In Manic state right now for probably 7 months now. Lost 80 lbs since last may. Husband controls all money and credit cards. Have psychogenic seizures, can't drive. I'm the youngest child in the family. It's "crazy". I feel for anybody with just anxiety. Because that is where all mine stated. Love, hope and prayers for all suffers