

你迈出了很好的一步……利用资源……获得知识……记住,当你看别人的评论和别人的经历时,那些不是你的。我女儿19岁,她在上大学。她患有焦虑和抑郁。继续你的教育很重要。看看有没有可以在网上学习的学校。这会让你以自己的速度获得成就感。生活中的压力是巨大的。我女儿开始练瑜伽(你也可以在网上练),听着平静平和的音乐。 Praying to God for help for STRENGTH , COURAGE and WISDOM to help you manage your anxiety and depression. YOU are LOVED and GOD is there for YOU. GOD is listening. Journal and write down how your feeling and why . It helps me when I have things weighing on my mind. I write it sown and then I let it go. There are certain things that TRIGGER certain feelings...try to figure out exact things that make you anxious and depressed then....find ways to help you process the feelings.....deep breathe....go to your room and sing....play happy songs...drink tea with no caffeine but that calms you. My daughter is 19 but she still enjoys good Disney movies they make her happy. YOU CAN....BE POSITIVE....FOCUS ON YOU....KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED!