
你好,SRH。谢谢你的评论。首先,我想让你们知道,你们的挣扎和其他人一样真实,一样痛苦。不要比较自己,也不要低估自己的感受。你的感觉是合理的。你是有效的。我很抱歉让你经历这些。生日可能很难让人想起过去,但如果你把思想转移到现在呢?在生日那天为自己做点什么——庆祝你的事情。我在生日那天一个人出去,在我最喜欢的餐厅吃饭,在书店里呆上几个小时,在古董市场和古董店购物,然后喝咖啡。 Take the day to discover who you are. Also, if you are unable to volunteer, donate to a charitable organization that means something to you. Sometimes we have to find new ways to celebrate old traditions. As you learn to embrace the new person you're becoming, I believe you'll find some friends along the way, too.