
我的生日总是令人失望,但自从我最好的一个朋友9年前自杀后,情况变得更糟。主要是因为我和她同一天生日,所以每年9月7日一到,我就有点沮丧,因为我非常想念她,我想念和她一起庆祝。因为她和我都知道生日有多令人失望,所以她和我总是确保对方在这一天感到无比特别……但现在……我没有那种感觉,我的姐妹们也不会在我生日的时候联系我,让我觉得自己很特别(我有点像我姐姐,因为我侄子的生日也是今天),我丈夫总是在最后一刻才做任何事情,所以感觉很不情绪化,我的父母(嗯…让我们跳过这个),所以除了她之外,似乎没有人真正试图庆祝我出生的那一天。我很珍惜生日,我认为生日非常重要,因为那是一个人出生的日子,如果你真的爱他们,对他们心存感激,你就会为他们的出生感到高兴,所以我总是确保我爱和关心的人每年生日时都能感受到我的爱。但对我来说,我没有,多年来都没有……相反,我心中只有一个空洞,那个曾经被她和我分享这一天所填满的空洞……在过去的8年里,我一直在试图解决这个问题,但没有找到一种方法…… so today on my 29th birthday I have decided I don't want to even acknowledge my "birthday" any longer. I wish there was a way to remedy this but I don't think there is, it hurts because I feel like I need to to save myself from being heartbroken more and more each year and it hurts because by ignoring this day every year from now on, I am also ignoring the day one of my best friends was born.... if anyone could come up with some magical solution, I would be elated but I'm sure it is a lost cause... I hope and wish more people would start to love others and care for them and make sure that no doubt in their mind that they care for them and love them was also a no doubt thought in that person's mind that they supposedly care for...