
我儿子在离18岁生日还有两个月的时候,第一次住进了精神病院。这是我经历过的最可怕、最痛苦的事情。他在那里待了3天。我哭了。我尖叫起来。我讨价还价。我恳求。但他是安全的。他在那里的那三天,我终于可以休息了。我不必担心他在街上游荡,有人会伤害他。 Once I was able to get rest, I researched his diagnosis, Schizophrenia. It is the cruelest of diseases. He went on and off of his medication for the next 8 months, and was subsequently hospitalized 2 more times. That was 6 years ago. Today, he is 24 years old. He now takes monthly injections instead of having to take a pill daily, which he said only made him feel worse, and reminded him daily of his illness. And he is doing so well. I have my son back. Of course, he needs care, and like all of us, has good and bad days. But he is well. And I want you to know it will get better. It know its hard to believe as you are in the hardest part right now. My best advice is patience, kindness, understanding. And dont be afraid to ask questions, about how they are feeling. Laugh together. Hug . And say you love them every day. And some days, you wont feel like you do. You will feel angry and cheated and resentful. But that is you being a human. And remember to be kind...to yourself.