
我也不知道我为什么来这里。我经历了很多,但其他人也一样。我的挣扎没有什么重要的,但我在这里。这不是我第一次有自杀的感觉,我想这也不会是最后一次。我现在15岁了,但我失去了大部分童年时光,不得不快速成长,我现在意识到这一点。我以前割伤过自己,我猜是在三个不同的“持续时间”里。我曾两次“企图”自杀。我知道我不太可能会死,但我还是这么做了。我刚辞掉了我的新治疗师。我养了她一年,但她所做的一切似乎都无济于事。 She started to seem more of a family friend judging me than someone helping. Yeah, I don't know how I got here. I made a list. I guess I tend to do that when I get like this. I made of list of the pros of if I live. It's short but meaningful. Every single one means something to me but I can't bring myself to feel anything positive towards it. I guess I just don't know what to do anymore.