
周二,我的儿子在他亲密朋友自杀7天后,他的悲伤、抑郁(慢性)和自杀理想化达到了顶峰。他对学校的朋友说,如果他自杀了,甚至没有人会注意到他,然后我们就知道他被开除了。当他最初被关押并投入监狱时,他非常激动,乞求回家。他们花了17个小时才在青少年机构给他找了一张床,但在儿童中心的情况肯定不一样。第二天,当我从家开车去医院看他的时候,感觉太奇怪了,就像电影里的场景一样。他说他不想见我——我让他在他的新朋友——其他病人面前难堪。他说,他真的很喜欢那里,想在72小时后再待下去。我听到这话时差点摔倒。他提到,大多数人都可以待得更久,他甚至可以再待14天。这到底是怎么回事。我说得很清楚,医院只是一个短期的稳定病人的地方,而不是一个停留的地方。 I told him about all the important things that he would miss, and other things that wouldn't be available to him as a person with a long term hospitalization -for instance it would be reccomend that he not be allowed to drive or use electronics when he got out for a minimum of 45 days and he would miss so much school work he would be likely to fail his classes and spend his whole summer in summer school.. I felt like I was bribing him to get better and to want to leave the hospital. He finally agreed that he probably shouldn't keep trying to stay there. My big fear now is that since he likes going to the hospital so is he just going to try and get send back every time life gets tough? What do I do with this? I have never heard of kids liking being institutionalized.