
我今年15岁,被诊断患有抑郁症。我现在每周去看两次心理医生。自杀总是在我的脑海里,我已经很长一段时间没有正常进食了,我的体重正在下降。我想住进精神病院,但不知道该怎么做。我有四个姐妹。其中三人曾试图自杀。我爸爸以前是个瘾君子。我讨厌我妈妈。但最主要的是我在自我意识中挣扎。我试着告诉人们,我很难控制自己的愤怒,但他们很快就不以为然。 I have also been diagnosed with trich *impulse control disorder which causes the need to pull out of one's hair.* I have gotten therapy for self harm in rhe past and I have a tendency to binge drink. Yes alcohol. But my therapist has yet to know that. I feel qs if i qm different from others at my school. I have also been diagnosed with ADHD. But its not only that.I anonymously told an online therapist these things and he said I have borderline personality disorder. Do you think this is correct? Any advice also on being admitted would be immensely appreciated. Thanks