
我为我的儿子伤心。他结束了自己的生命1月前。他只有13岁。过早想象,理解和拯救。我不知道他是在挣扎。他似乎有很多朋友和一个快乐的孩子。学校是一个压力,他不喜欢它,不喜欢学校,内疚,在他看来,没有我们认为他的儿子是另一个压力源。我经历了悲痛的攻击力量,我认为我将松散的主意。它就像被龙卷风卷走。我不能帮助我的孩子如果不是无意识。 His suicidal thoughts started he was 10 years old he said in his last letter to us. That year I brought home two cats ( they relieve stress I thought), this random act brought me 3 more years with my child because he loved these cats very much. It was not enough. He kept a smily face to us even the evening before, when he knew he would depart, he did not show any signs that something was different, joked with his sister, cuddled on the sofa watching the evening movie with us, ordered tortellini for dinner for the next day. During the night he got out, rod his bike for a couple of miles to a 100 feet high bridge and jumped. I remain here wondering how I did not see, did not understand him, did a very poor job as a mother. I miss you and I am so sorry you could not trust me enough to tell me your troubles and I am so sorry I did not ask if you had any.