基利·汉兹克(Keely Hunziker)
2月11日,11:41 PM

我通过试图不妨碍了强奸和两极的处理。直到大约12年前,我身体健康,手术不好,使我患有残疾。这是一个不好的借口,但现在我感到非常害怕。害怕也许我再也无法削减了。远足总是有帮助的,我只是进入了它。我的动力很糟糕,我对此感到糟糕。几天没睡觉,很抱歉说我不认为医生真的在乎或听。我只想弄清楚更多的方法。我一个人,当我生病时,每个人都生我的气。我觉得自己是个失败者,因为我现在没有赚钱。 This is the first time I have ever done this because all my jobs were computer jobs and dealt with numbers. Bi-polar is good with numbers with me. I must insist on getting some self-esteem. I hope this did not bring anyone down even more. But it felt good to say something that I was really feeling and not pretend. I feel empty. I want to live, I want to progress, but my mind just gets in the way. thankyou for being here. kee