
我叠恋爱8年,但过去3年的是纯粹的人间地狱。当我们见面是最好的事情曾经发生在我身上。我有人爱我,只有我和接受我的我是谁,还以为我是美丽的。看到我整个关系接近400英镑,我们特地搬到远离家人和朋友,他只是让我美联储和可行的支付账单的一半。他感到安全知道我被其他男人不希望或预期。最终我受够了我累了我已经厌倦了厌倦了我的外观和在痛苦和超重我损失了160磅在一瞬间改变了我整个的生活。我开始关注人回到我左和右是我穿着好看的衣服我不能穿在我面前看起来像一个完全不同的人我终于漂亮,他变得丑陋。每次我出去他发誓我是和另一个男人我欺骗他每次我们一起出去的时候,如果其他男人看着我,他会生气,试着开始打架。他将试着让我吃不健康的食物,他说他不喜欢小女人,喜欢我的大。我终于意识到我的话我意识到我没有坚持这个男人,我可以做得更好。 I could be better. I could go further in life without him holding me back with his negativity and his in responsible and imature ways. A year ago one morning I was getting ready for work and before I could get up to go to the bathroom she runs to use it before I do and it set me off because i really had to use it and he did it on purpose. So i started knocking on the door telling him to hurry up and get out.. He got so mad he cracked the door as i reached out to open it he slammed it catching my finger.. Then grabbing to the floor.. Eventually choking me.. At that point i thought it was it.. Because he has threatened before to kill me.. He has slapped me around and pushed but this time he didnt stop.. I was scratching for dear life until i kicked him in his private part got up and grabbed my purse ran out the door to my car.. He was right behind me. I was able to get in and lock the doors so he grabbed a huge rock busted my windshield window.. As i hurry up and try to drive away.. He picked it up threw it and busted my back window i drove as far as i could see to the closest store yesterday drink because my throat was on fire.. But i sat in the parking lot and broke down. The people in the store ran out to ask if i was ok because of my car.. But they seen my blood shot eyes bloody fingers and called the police. Police came i tild them he just damaged my car.. The cop said "he also strangled you" at first i denied it .. Then i said yes.. He was able to tell the blood vessels in my ass were broken and i couldn't turn my neck.. The officer was so angry he speed away to my address. My boyfriend fled the scene.. But proceeded to call me.. The officer told me to put it on speaker he said " im sorry.. I love you.. You made me do it.. Please dont put me in jail" i went along with it hoping he would come home but he didnt. The officer said he sounds like a sociopath and he needs to be in jail. But since he ran me and the cop came up with a plan.. He told me eventually he is going to come back.. Play it cool like every thing is ok.. When he is good and sleep secretly call the cops so he can the be arrested. So i did just that.. I left the doors unlocked went in the bathroom called the cops the came in woke him up and took him to jail
终于自由,他是他所属的地方。我去他的审判前,指控他犯有绞杀固有监禁和破坏财产。他服役禁令sonhe不能叫我但男孩恳求我不要出现他的家人不作证。他不好意思所以爱上我,地狱永远不会再做一次. .等等等等……我是法院命令去猜猜. .我没一个月后他被释放,我们一起回来。他所有的承诺“illl从来没有不尊重你. .或者再打你,生病得到帮助。生病戒烟杂草”. . Wrong it was good for maybe a month then back to being every name under the sun and abuse. One night i made him dinner for when he came home from work.. I was napping before hand so i couldn't hear my phone when he walked in the door. He started Screaming at me .. Calling me names accusing me of cheating. Took the food off the stove and poures it on my head.. Takes my glasses and breaks them now i cant see.. Takes dish soup shoves it in my mouth and squeezes the bottle .. Then takes his foot and try to shove his dirty foot with his srinky sock all in my mouth and over my face then starts punching in my bottom. Takes my phone and smaches it.. I run out blind to my car.. At this point ive learned to hid my keys and purse in a spot i can grab it just in case and i drive to a walmart its 1 in the morning im walking looking like carrie from the movie with food and soap all over me.. With bo shoes on.. They thought i was crazy .. I bought some shoes and new clothes went into the restroom to change.. I didnt even cry this time i was used to it until one person asked me if i was ok.. I broke down.. This lady let me come to her house for the night bought me food took me to get a new phone told me to call my mom.. I did i told her everything my mom was schocked and asked my if somthing was wrong with me.. Why do i keep going back.. I promiced her this time i wasn't going back.. Well i did i dont know why i couldnt stay strong.. I had all the money.. The car the apartment was mine.. I paid all the bills he half assed everything i had
。智慧. .现在新的看起来我很容易离开发现有人还但是因为某些原因我不能离开. .我觉得我还不能信任知道. .我总是说他不欺骗我. .他从不晚回家或隐藏他的电话. .他给我买东西,给他的钱当他. .他爱上了我…我还有精神困惑. .我强大到足以让他离开6个月但他承诺改变了我让他回来
好快的男性大约四个月前的今天。我得到的最好的消息我的生活. .我怀孕了…我一直在为8年。我想我不能有孩子。我告诉医生我就很难自然受孕的减肥是我的治疗。我告诉了他这个好消息高兴我以为他就是因为他总是指责我偷偷服用避孕药,因为我怀孕吃,因为他想要一个孩子。首先他说不是我的,如果你真的怀孕,我想让你证明这一点,他就去买了一个验孕棒,让我撒尿。他看起来高兴打电话给他的家人和所有的朋友,告诉他有一个宝贝,持续了一天. .第二天,我们进入一个agrument我打电话我妈妈长. . We went back and fourth then the name calling and then he struck me.. And stuck me.. And shoved me and told me he was really going to kill me.. I climbed out the bed room window ran to my car went to the hospital got checked out. They called the police i got a order of protection.. Stayed in a hotel room until he was served and taken to jail. He got out two weeks later but i have not looked back.. I have to protect my baby.. The baby gave me strength this time to be strong and to don't ever go to him.. I could never trust him around my child or myself i feel better at peace and comfortable in my home.. Sooner or later i do belive he would have killed me.. Please dont wait till it gets to that point.. Love does not hurt.. Love feels good.. Makes you happy not anxious or nervous or paranoid.. Love is exactly that love abuse is exactly that to abuse sometimes it's hard to not confuse the two and makes them together for their two different words in two different meanings... Save your self and if you have children save them an abuser should.never be around kids even if they're not abusing the kids they're abusing you and you can see that trust they will never forget that