
亲爱的兰迪,阅读了您的几个博客。我们28岁的儿子也患有精神分裂症。他没有服用药物,而且充满了仇恨。他对我们说的卑鄙的话是不可原谅的。我们认为他是从Jr.high的吸烟锅中得到的。我们觉得直到他重新获得药物后才去接受每周的治疗师并采取认知行为。不会做任何事情。确实有工作,但是季节性的。整天睡觉,整夜起床。昨天带回家了一只大狗。 Want him to take it to a shelter ,but he'd rather move out. Why so stubborn? We love our son, but hate the disease. Have hardly told anyone that he has this. People don't understand. Am numb to all of this chaos today, but probably will be in care giving mode if he'll let me tomorrow. This is a terrible horrible draining disease for the entire family. Hang in there, momma b