
感谢您提供这篇信息丰富且实用的文章!这对我来说再及时不过了。我一生中的大部分时间都饱受创伤后应激障碍的折磨(童年早期多年的性虐待,然后我哥哥在我康复的巅峰时期自杀,这似乎摧毁了我在这一点上所取得的所有进步。)这些年来,我一直在努力寻找动力。讽刺的是,我最大的动力是从过去的创伤中恢复过来。我已经接受治疗很多年了,我的治疗师总是告诉我,我比她的任何其他客户都“工作”得多。我充满激情,全身心地投入到治疗中。我记得我一生中真正想要的唯一一件事就是康复。我做了所有的治疗“功课”,还有…大量的期刊工作,诗歌,舞蹈,大量的自助书籍,练习册,练习,技巧,EMDR,大脑发现等。 While I realize I've come SO FAR in recovery, I still constantly beat myself up for lack of motivation in other areas of my life. I always feel like I'm lazier than I should be and like everyone else is "busy" doing so many "busy things" while I still fight exhaustion, fatigue and depression. Since I did put so much time, effort and heart into my recovery but still struggle I feel defeated and as though I'm incapable of the recovery I've always worked for. I'm always desperately searching and praying for some way to get motivated and this is what I'd like most for the new year. These scientific neurological explanations and techniques fascinate me and give more things to try. I was never able to want anything because my life was only about survival for so many years. As an adult I've been stuck and paralyzed because I can't seem to manufacture desire for anything (other than wanting my deceased loved ones back). If I could truly want something, I think that would generate motivation. My tendency is still to always look back which just kills any hope of motivation. I will take the tips and suggestions from your article and try to shift my neuro pathways by giving them variety. Thank you for continuing to help others even though you've reached blessed recovery.