
我一年花了7000美元买运动鞋。每周4天。周一到周四早上6点上班前见过他。他把300磅装在一辆大车上,把我当成一头牛拴在车上,让我在跑道上爬来爬去,直到我动弹不得。我这样做了一年,还有其他类似军事上的疯狂行为。节食。瘦了25磅。后来我又把它拿回来了。我的体重已经稳定在我花七千美元之前的水平了。我本可以去巴厘岛的海滨度假胜地,享受无限量的鸡尾酒。 Then, people had the gall to say to me I needed to lose weight, no matter how much money I spent or how hard I worked. The author is right. Losing weight is hard enough without some chemical you have to jam down your pie hole every day to keep you from strangling the idiotic HR lady in your office that gives you the grand prize of metabolic syndrome causing you to balloon from firm 180 to 330 in 5 years. Good news: there are almost 2 of me now [moderataed]. Bipolar weight loss is like Trump being smart. Impossible.