
我试过十几种药物,只有一种组合对我有效。这是利锂,因维加和思瑞康的组合。这让我的体重增加了40多磅,我减不下来了。我尝试过各种饮食(包括阿特金斯饮食法、旧石器饮食法、南海滩饮食法、热量限制在1200千卡/天、素食)、各种锻炼方案、二甲双胍和甲状腺药物。没什么。没有任何损失。我再也受不了这种激烈的减肥竞赛了。如果没有这一种对我有效的药物组合,我要么会死于自杀,要么会精神失常,一辈子都被关在州立医院里。我的躁郁症很严重,我知道这是真的。上次我住院时,我的医生给我试了拉他达(据称体重中性),它使我的症状加重,现在在我的医疗记录中,它在我的“不使用”药物清单上。 What choice do I have but to accept the weight gain? I have not had any other associated health symptoms like diabetes or high cholesterol. Just the extra pounds. My job does not depend on how I look, just on how well my brain functions. My young daughters do not care how I look, they just want a Mommy that is not crazy, not sick, and is there for them. What is the worst that could happen as a result of my weight gain? That my husband leaves me for someone thinner??? I seriously could care less - a motivation so shallow would mean "good riddance". Ultimately, with this terrible illness we have, we need to learn to prioritize our goals. Sanity is paramount, because without it our lives are hell. Thank you, Natasha, for writing this article. I re-read it often for motivation to help me reach the stage of acceptance.