
两年前,我开始服用抗精神病药物(就在我戒烟后)。从那以后我又重了60磅。我和我的亲戚都很反感。他们会陷入困境,“别坐在那把椅子上,你会弄坏它的。”等等。我从来没有瘦过。我总是超重。但是现在我胖了,我不能停止吃巧克力,糖和盐。现在我又把烟瘾变成了吃瘾(从十几岁到三十多岁我都是这样)。2002年我做了胃分流手术,体重减轻了很多。现在我离最初的体重只有60磅了。 I try so hard not to give in but I can't seem to help myself. The more I eat the worse my depression gets. My last shrink told me to just stop eating. Well that's great advice from a man who weighs 150 lbs and never had any eating problems. Anyone going through this?