
嗨,我是亚历克西斯,我18岁。12岁的时候,我被诊断出患有抑郁症、焦虑症和注意力缺陷多动症。我有躁郁症的症状,但我不确定是不是我的注意力缺陷多动症。我对每一件小事都很烦躁。我也有过像疯子一样干净的时候。每当我心烦意乱,压力大,生气的时候我就会花钱。我把工资都花光了,每两周发一次工资。我挣617美元,但还要付医药费,给我男朋友的妈妈付100美元,还有电话费。我的身体形象也很糟糕。我每天只吃一顿正餐(麦当劳)或馅饼,因为我非常挑剔,除非是我想吃的东西,否则我不会吃。我限制了自己很多,这变得更糟了。当我在公共场合时,一切都僵住了,我的焦虑变得更糟了10倍,一切都变慢了,似乎我处于一种刺激之中。 My moods are all over the place . I never am in either a happy mood all day it literally goes up and down 1,000 times a day. Again I have ADD. Sometimes I have moods where I want to have sex all the time and it’s like this for a week and then I won’t anymore. I’ve bought stuff for new hobbies end just never do it. I’ve spent so much money on necklace and earring kits, crystals etc and I do nothing with them. I just lost my interest. I have really bad intrusive thoughts. I get paranoid that I’m being watched 24/7 especially when I’m sleeping. When I have these cleaning feelings I feel like I’m almost on top of the world like I can do anything it’s incredible feeling but then I crash. When I was 12 they also misdiagnosed me as bipolar. My psychiatrist doesn’t really listen to me. I don’t live with my mom, I moved out because of emotional abuse right after I turned 18.