
本文具有很重要的意义对我如何我感觉已经很长时间了。我有躁狂抑郁精神病和创伤后应激障碍,所以我一直很困惑什么已经跟我这么多年。但是我和精神病学家发现了问题是循环性精神病和创伤后应激障碍,这是一个非常具有挑战性的精神疾病。至于躁狂抑郁精神病,我经历很多轻度躁狂和轻度抑郁(我只有躁狂和严重抑郁PTSD)的结果。我发现自己经常变得易怒轻度躁狂和抑郁,但易怒更为普遍比轻度躁狂抑郁症。我在轻度躁狂的州已经达到点后变得极度亢奋,滥交(滥交是非常对我的性格)。幸运的是,这并不经常发生,我仍然足够的控制是安全的,对这种行为不走得太远。不过,这对我来说不健康的行为,我似乎无法控制它的发生时。拥有一个强大的、健康的性冲动是正常的对我来说,但非常好色的不是。我肯定变得更爱交际和更少的抑制的东西出来口在轻度躁狂的状态。 Also, I do become far more driven than normal, and I can do well off less sleep. During my depressive states, I have noticed that I often have less energy and can even become tired. When of the most pronounced symptoms I have with the depressive states is a constant, nagging feeling as if I could suddenly break down and cry (I physically feel this way). Also, my temperament during both hypomanic and depressive states leads me to be very reactionary to things -- especially things I'm wrongly being accused of or blamed for. I have found cyclothymia to be a nasty illness because I have very few periods where I feel complete mood stability. I find myself often fluctuating between hypomania and mild depression. So, the representation of a roller coaster as cyclothymia is dead on. It is truly a roller coaster of an illness; unpredictable, chaotic in a sense, erratic. My psychiatrist just increased my Lamictal to 150 mg and possibly 200 mg if needed to try to keep my moods stable or more stable??? And I'm presently taking 150 mg of Seroquel XR. I'm hoping this combination work well for me. I can honestly say that cyclothymia has been a very uncomfortable, both physically and mentally, illness to have. I hope more research will be done on this illness, and there will be more awareness about it.