
玛丽和坎迪丝,请不要让这件事打败你们!!我有一个朋友试图自杀,在稳定过程结束后的第一个晚上,我坐在重症监护室陪他,我觉得他活着是有原因的,所以我们写了一本书,他刚刚出版了他的故事。如果你认为你是在帮助你周围的人,那么你很可能问了错误的问题,而不是帮助我发现的情况。这本书读起来很快,但讲述了一个幸存者的强大故事,本至今记忆犹新。他在7月刚做了这件事,他很高兴能这么快就把它发布出去,试图帮助任何人。本一生都在与他的“孪生恶魔”作斗争,但在我看来,他活了下来,帮助了别人。这是他应对和帮助的方式。请浏览这本书,帮助你自己和你爱的人。玛丽,这对他来说是个新伤口。如果你想和他谈谈,请写信给他,我会让你和他联系。 He is still having surgeries and he would be so happy to talk. There is no harm in talking. Candice the same thing for you. You both are saying the same things as him. It is the same path. Please before you do anything please please take a moment to see through Ben's eyes what the aftermath of dying and dying and coming back has meant to him and his children. Your stories are so much alike. They don't have to be.